Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nobel Laurets and Peace Committee stand up against visa denial to Dalai Lama

There is going to be World Soccer Cup Peace Conference in Johannesburg on 27th March. Nobel laureates, former president F W De Klerk, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela had sent invitation to Dalai Lama at the request of organisers of this peace conference. South Africa on 23rd March has said that it is not in the country's best interests to allow the Tibetan spiritual leader to visit the country. Former President Klerk and Archbishop Tutu has said that they will not attend the conference against this visa denial De Klerk has said that the decision to exclude Dalai Lama is irreconcilable on which our society is based, including the principles of openness and responsiveness, and the rights of freedom of expression and free political activity. Siting the same reason Norway Peace Prize Committee has refused to attend the conference.

It is commendable that world respected individuals and organisation has openly stood up against pressurisation of a oppressive regime of a country which is most influential next only to US.

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